Cuss words and Guns πŸ”«

 Welcome back peeps. This week was an adventure. An adventure that delt with Cuss words and Guns. You ain't gonna wanna miss it. So settle in, grab your Pepsi and enjoy the week review.

4/8- We started out this wonderful P-Day with a workout. I'm gonna have huge muscles when I get back home 🀣. Brian came and dropped off a huge food delivery for us. We then went shopping and didn't get much things. I got an American Flag to put above my desk, it looks so cool (pic Below). We then went to the stake center, and we were locked out because nobody had a key. But don't stress because a companionship that had the keys showed up and let us in. I played the organ for a while, the zone decided to go to a place called GolfLand. It's basically like Toads in Ogden. It was a blast, so much fun. We played Mini Golf, Laser tag and Go karts, I of course won at Go Karting. But in the process of trying to win. There were 2 elders in front of me, one of them pit maneuvered the other one. So I stopped because that's what you were supposed to do, but one of the Hermanas was behind me and not paying attention and slammed into the back of me. I turned around and said “hey Hermana, the brake is on the Left.” We then started up again, and I took off like a rocket and lapped like 4 other missionaries. We then stopped at In & Out burger and grabbed some Linner (lunch and dinner). We then came back to the Church. I called the fam and payed the organ some more. We came home and took care of some things that needed to be done. The other elders came over and hung out for a while. In the meantime Elder Heppler pulled out his Puppet, it was so funny. I gave it shot at being a puppeteer, and yep I should stick with missionary work. We then went to bed.

4/9- We started out the day with the normal morning things. We then went to Sister Brooks house, I led the way to her house and I didn't get lost. So I now kind of know the way around Antelope. We helped her by cleaning her front porch, we also talked about temples and then gave her a blessing. I have given so many priesthood blessings on my mission so far, I honestly love giving Blessings. We then biked home, on the way home, some Grandma tried to kill me. We were on a street corner on our bikes, waiting to cross the street. our light turned green so I went to go, and grandma decided to turn. Long story short, my brakes work pretty well. We came home and had lunch then we biked to the church and did our weekly planning. It's gonna be a solid week, if we can make it work out. We then had our dinner appointment, and then biked home. We did some phone contacts then went to bed.

4/10- District Council day!!!! We woke up, got ready and had breakfast, we then did our personal study, then left and went to district council. District council was awesome, they talked about how to politely Correct someone. It was super awesome, we had lunch and came back to our apartment. We changed into our service clothes and went to our service project. We helped an in-active member take out a fence, it was so much fun. The guy kept asking and saying “Why do you work so darn hard?” I said “Because I was born and raised to work hard. We had the 25 feet of wooden fence and 2 stumps out in less then an hour. It was awesome, we got done and I was all sweaty but man I had so much fun. We came back home and changed, we then proceeded to go to a ladies house to give her a blessing. One thing I've decided is that giving blessings is my new favorite thing to as a missionary. We give so many and the spirit is always super strong. We then went to our dinner appointment and biked back. The ride back was excellent, pretty sunset, warm weather, no breeze, just pure peaceful. We came back home, did our nightly routines and went to bed. 

4/11- Zone Conference!!! We started out the day with the normal things, we then went to Zone Conference and it was so good. I led the music again, I also got to see my old Zone and district. It was so much fun seeing them again. But yeah Zone Conference was awesome, we learned so much awesome stuff. We then started our exchange, i'm with Elder Pattee. We came out the same time and so it's fun to catch up on life. We made some contacts, nobody was really down to talk. We got cussed out by a dude we rode by. Here's the story: Once upon a time, Elder Pattee and Elder Bennett were on bikes biking down a road. They pass a guy who was walking, Elder Bennett says “hey man how are you?” The dude says “F*** you Mormons, also shut the F**** up.” 🀣 Elder Bennett starts kind of laughing then Elder Pattee passes him and says “God Bless man” the dude was fired up at this point and says “Get the F**** away and get off my street.” By then Pattee and Bennett are dying of Laughter because this guy is acting like an idiot. Anyway we get to our appointment, knock and they were sick. As we were leaving our appointment, another dude probably 17 or so, pretty short dude says “Yall missionaries for the church?” Pattee says “yes sir” the dude says “D****” then Pattee asked Him “Have you ever talked to missionaries in the past?” The dude said “F*** no, I got a gun so I would leave me alone.” 😬 We then got our butts out of their Real Fast. We then headed to our dinner appointment, on the way there a biker group on their Harley Davidson Motorcycles rode past us. It was super dope, they all reved their engines for us. We had dinner then rode home and called it a night. 

4/12- Today was an awesome day, we started off with studies then a lesson with a dude named Carlos. He's an awesome dude, we brought Nick with us and they bonded instantly which is amazing. We then came home, changed and left again to our service projects. We helped a guy start building his fence back up. (The same fence we tore down earlier.) We did some dirt work, and I loved it because that's like my Forte. We then helped him put the fence rails up. He also got us Little Caesars pizza for lunch. It was honestly a lit service project. We also helped a guy who showed up to pick up all the old fences. We helped him load it into his trailer so he could take it to the dump. We then rode to Brian Carroll's house. We helped him restack a rock/concrete wall. I was man handling those things and put them back. I was all muddy and dirty, but the wall looked amazing when it was done. We then jumped on our bikes and rode to our dinner appointment. On the way there we got into the left turn lane to turn left onto a busy street. I was behind the car in front of us, and Pattee was about 15 feet behind kind of going slow, so when the light turned Green he could continue to go without stopping first. Anyway a car pulled behind him and started honking at him. It scared Pattee so bad, I was dying of laughter. Pattee pulled up and then another dude on a bike pulled up next to us. We chatted with him for a minute. Then the light turned green and we headed off and turned left. We start going and the car that was behind us, passes us and said some bad things and flipped us off and they also recorded the whole thing. So the moral of the story is that California is scary, especially when you are on a bike. We went to our dinner appointment, the lady is an undercover Cop and she showed us her car, she also was pretty dang good at asking questions. We left her house and changed because we were still in our service clothes. We changed into our proselyting clothes, we then went street contacting and it was a blast. We came home and went to bed. 

4/13- Today was another awesome day. We started out with breakfast and studies. After we woke up kind of late, we were so tired and didn't hear our alarms. But don't stress, we didn't sleep in that long. We then went with Brother Carol to a lady's house and had some fire Tacos. We then went to the mission office and did some facebook work. We also picked up some more Book of Mormons, since we completely ran out. The other elders picked us up and we went over to the stake center in Citrus Heights to set up for a Baptism. While they were there setting up, we left and made a contact and then a lady needed a blessing. So we did the blessing which was awesome, then we went to the apartment and changed for the Baptism. We went back to the Church, and the Baptism was awesome. And honestly filling the font was so much fun. After the Baptism we ended our exchange, and then went to our dinner appointment. It was honestly awesome food, we also brought Elder Collyer and Worthington with us since they didn't have a dinner. We made some contacts with them after dinner. We then came home and did our nightly stuff, then I went to bed at 9:45 because I was so tired. 

4/14- Sunday!!!! We started off the day with heading to church. We had church which was awesome. I shared my testimony in both wards since it was Testimony meeting. We then did our weekly planning and went to our dinner appointment. It was lit and the food was also awesome. Nothing crazy happened today!

Welcome back to the end of the week. Don't stress I'm still alive, and God still loves you. I hope yall have a great week and we will chat next week. 


1. Funny sign
2. Pattee and I
3. Sunset πŸŒ‡ 
4. Sunset pt.2
5. Pattee kissing my arm after he shot me in the arm with a waterbottle cap.
6. The Cap left a welt
7. Elder Tripp knows what it means to park at the front door.
8. Howdy there 🀠
9. Sunset pt.3


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